Friday 21 March 2014

Zbrush Wip - Alien Dude #2

click to enlarge
Heres a Zbrush screenshot of an Alien Dude I've started working on again. I began him a while ago and have decided to go back and complete him.
There's just something about his sad expression.....he kinda looks like he's pleading with me to "finish the sculpt, Shane!"

Thursday 20 March 2014

The Dark Prince - Zbrush W.I.P #1

click to enlarge
This is a work-in-progress sketch-over of a Zbrush sculpt called The Dark Prince.
Click the image to view my notes on what I need to add.

I did a little sketch late last year of this guy, then a few weeks back began the preliminary stage of figuring out who exactly he is and what exactly he should look like.
But I've never quite got to the stage of making him - until now, that is!

The other day I made a nice new male base mesh in Zbrush and used that as the base to sculpt this guy from. I gathered up loads of my armor/fantasy reference and basically starting throwing ideas together until some cool shapes began emerging.

The image is mostly gonna be dark and focusing on the face, but I still want to be able to show enough armor detail because it will help make the character have character.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Reptilian Man - Zbrush sculpt

click to enlarge
Here is my completed REPTILIAN MAN character.
I'm actually surprised how quickly and easily he came together...and still managed to come out looking pretty good.

He was modeled and polypainted in Zbrush. Including the fibremesh hair, in total he was approximately 2.8million polygons in size (I generally keep all my models below 3 million, most are only about 1.2 - 2 million)
I rendered out several BPR (Best Preview Renders) renders in Zbrush, but I depended mostly on direct screenshots (as I knew I was gonna be blurring/smudging everything anyways in Gimp)

Zbrush screenshot turnaround image
(Click to enlarge)
The good stuff started happening in Gimp where I composited the layers and repainted bits and bobs. Its actually kinda depressing when you first start piecing the images together as they tend to look ...crap! A whole lot of experimentation with different masks and multiply/screen/burn/hue layers slowly masks the picture start looking a bit more decent. 

I settled on a nice 'look' that suggests this guy has been photographed in a studio setting. Maybe it's his actors headshot so he can land big roles in some Hollywood movies? Maybe not....

Anyways, hope you enjoy he image as much as I enjoyed making it.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Reptilian Man - WIP #2

click to enlarge
Another  update on my REPTILIAN MAN character I'm making in Zbrush.

This is a direct screenshot from Zbrush as I go looking for the correct angle and lighting.
I haven't yet decided whether I'll just have a single image or if (much like the clown I did previously) do a turnaround render of him.

The modeling and texturing is pretty much complete (and it was all done extremely quickly!) and just have to render out a few images before importing them to Gimp where the real fun starts to happen.

Monday 10 March 2014

Reptilian Man - WIP #1

click to enlarge
Here is a Zbrush screenshot of a REPTILIAN MAN character I just started.

Growing up I remember seeing a fella called David Icke on the telly talking about lizard people and other mad stuff. He was always wearing a shiny shell-suit (Mr Icke, not the Lizard people!)and had a weird page-boy haircut (that he still sports to this day. The fact that he had some bonkers beliefs and was a former footballer just made him seem like a very interesting person to a kid...especially when the TV show V was massive on telly at the time!

Anyways, the whole idea of all the important, decision-making people of the world belonging to a race of alien lizards was the starting point for this sculpt.
I want to make him 'normal' enough to be believable as a human-being (after a bit of make up to disguise the reptilian skin)but also menacing and creepy too.

But as this is a Work-In-Progress anything can change!

Thursday 6 March 2014

Dark Prince - Work-in-Progress sketches

I've been unfortunate lately and have struggled to do any art. First I had the flu and then I cut my finger so couldn't even hold a pen!
Anyways, I'm on the mend and doing this character provisionally  titled THE DARK PRINCE.

These are just quick and dirty sketch-overs in Gimp of a base mesh I've started in Zbrush. I'm trying to find the right  silhouette  and shape to the  character  before getting to work on him in 3D.
At the moment the one of the far right is my favourite...but still in the (very)early stages yet.