A quick update on this fella I'm making in Zbrush. His face is a bit more baboon-like but if you look closely you'll notice he has a third eye.
I thought it'd be nice to give my lad 3 eyes after reading NewScientist magazine where I saw a photo of two iguanas fighting. The caption explained that they have what is called a 'parietal eye' above their forehead which is used for watching the sky for aerial predators. Pretty nifty thing to have!
Screenshot from Zbrush of this little dude (note the unused baseball cap from my previous alien)
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I've got a nice idea for a slogan on his t-shirt which should go nicely with the personality I have in mind for him. Still a fair bit of work to do on his arms, shirt and overall composition. I'm thinking I might keep a face-on viewpoint rather than any dramatic pose. Might lose the cap too and give a more ornate colouring to his forehead area.
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