Friday, 14 February 2014

Blue Nose The Clown

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Here is the completed character named Blue Nose the Clown.

Sculpted in Zbrush (frilly  collar  made in Blender),  rendered  with Zbrush BPR and composited/repainted with Gimp.

This guy went through multiple changes as I tried to figure out what exactly his character was. 
Eventually it dawned on me: he was an evil, midget punk clown!

I was pleased with the sculpt but something about the rendering stage  didn't  seem right. 
It was only in Gimp that everything came together. 
The face paint helped push him forward but it was actually the little  Mohican-style pink hairdo that finally drew everything together in a satisfactory manner.
After that the lighting was a really enjoyable experience. 

Anyways, hope you like it :)

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